Exotic Houseplants for Open-plan Interiors

Exotic Houseplants As our modern houses and flats are provided with all manner of comforts such as open-plan interiors, picture windows and thermostatically controlled central heating, it…

Summer Houseplants – The Best Plants During the Summer

Summer Houseplants There are plants that will thrive in the most shady situations and others that are true sun-worshippers. The first group need a sunless place that…

Winter Houseplants – How to Care Plants in the Winter

Office Greenery – Green Decor for Your Private Workroom

Office Greenery The green office began to appear in a number of European countries towards the end of the 60s, open workrooms that are no longer split…

Rainwater is the Best Thing for your Houseplants

Rainwater Everyone is aware that rainwater is the best thing for houseplants. It is rather acid, which is something most plants like. It is also soft and…

Water Source is the Basic Need for Plants

Water Source Water is the source of life for every plant. Of course, everyone who keeps plants knows this, but the eternal question remains: how often and…

Deformed growth – Take Care of Plants from Various Troubles (part 2)

Deformed growth The plants grow lopsided in the pots and the stately little indoor three forms a crick in its stem. Set this right by regularly tuning…

Jaundice – Take Care of Plants from Various Troubles

Like all living creatures, houseplants can also succumb to various diseases and ailments. They then present a truly sorry sight: leaves wilt and fall off, flower buds…

Propagation Method (Cuttings, Division, Air Layering, and Seed Sowing)

Propagation Method The true plant lover will invariably want to increase his/her own stock of house plants, particularly when they discover just how rewarding home propagation can…